Friday, September 22, 2017

Four Week Weight Loss Detox Packages

Four Week Weight Loss Detox Packages-Ultra-$320

4 Weekly- Evaluation Appts.-(Weigh in, Blood Pressure, Neck and waist measurement)

One -10 Day Earth Solution Detox Cleanse 

Four-Weekly 10 Minute Vibration Plate Sessions

Two-30 Minute Ionic Foot Detoxification Sessions

Two-30 minute treatment-(ONE body part)Ultrasonic Cavitation/Non Surgical Liposuction   

Four Week Weight Loss Detox Packages-Basic-$250

4 Weekly- Evaluation Appts.-(Weigh in, Blood Pressure, Neck and waist measurement)

One -10 Day Earth Solution Detox Cleanse 

Four-Weekly 10 Minute Vibration Plate Sessions

Four-30 Minute Ionic Foot Detoxification Sessions
Click on the appointment link on our website to schedule or text 863-930-5791

5 Factors of Health:
1. Proper rest
2. Proper exercise
3. Proper nutrition
4. Positive mental attitude/stress relief
5. Proper aligned spine

Monday, September 4, 2017

Healthy eating habits and proper nutrition advice

5 Factors of Health:
1. Proper rest
2. Proper exercise
3. Proper nutrition
4. Positive mental attitude/stress relief
5. Proper aligned spine

Featured products:  Dr. Carla's Bone and Joint Rebuilder

Largely due to its curcumin content, Turmeric is often credited with these benefits:

  1. Fighting inflammation
  2. As an antioxidant
  3. Protects the heart in various ways
  4. Helpful for arthritis
  5. Brain boosting
  6. May be helpful for fighting diabetes and cancer